Check out our frequently asked questions below. Please reach out if you have a question of your own and we'll do our best to research it for you.
While there is no universally accepted detailed definition of fair trade, in general it refers to the practice of operating a business so that all of the workers in the production chain - from farmer to factory worker - are rewarded justly for their work and treated with dignity and respect. This means fair wages, a safe and open work environment, and minimal impact on the natural environment.
Learn more: https://www.fairindigo.com/blogs/news/what-is-fair-trade
All of the cotton we use to make our fabric is organic; which means that no pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, or other harmful substances are used to grow our cotton. Our small family farms use natural pesticides - like ladybugs and growing corn stalks at the end of each row of cotton. You can read more about our organic Peruvian Pima cotton here.
Learn more: https://www.fairindigo.com/blogs/news/0-0005
Pima is an ELS (extra long staple) cotton. It's significantly softer, stronger, and longer-lasting that other cottons. It beautifully resists pilling, shrinking, and disintegrating in your laundry.
Thanks to ideal growing conditions, extra-long staple length and hand harvesting, Peruvian pima cotton is the world’s finest, prized for its exceptional durability, softness and brilliant luster.
The story of Tanguis cotton began in 1901 with Fermin Tanguis, an innovative agriculturalist, who sought to save the cotton industry in Peru from a devastating cotton blight. After a decade of experimentation, Tangüis had a resounding breakthrough with the successful development of a superior extra long staple, white cotton that grows an incredible six times per year (most cottons grow on an annual cycle) and requires far less water. Tanguis cotton is highly desirable for its combination of eco-friendly benefits and luxury appeal. Its exceptionally strong fibers make it ideal for sweater knits.
GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) is a textile production certification that limits the use of toxic bleaches, dyes, and other harmful chemicals during the production process of textiles. GOTS certification is recognized world-wide as the highest standards to ensure the organic status of textiles from harvesting of the raw materials through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing all the way to labelling in order to provide credible assurance to the consumer.
Fair Indigo's cotton, yarns, fabrics, and dyes are GOTS certified. But our finished product is not.
To obtain the GOTS label on finished products, the products need to be produced in a GOTS certified production facility. We are currently in the process of having all of our facilities GOTS certified - some are now, some are in process.
The reason this is complicated for us is because we produce our goods in a couple dozen very small cooperatives - with 3 - 15 workers - so obtaining the GOTS label for each small facility involves quite a bit of expense and documentation making it challenging for our small co-ops. The process is much easier in brands that use one large, centralized facility. Our partners in Peru are working toward obtaining full GOTS certification by the end of this year.
Learn more: https://global-standard.org
As we explored natural dye options, we learned there are good reasons why they have not been widely adopted, even among brands trying to produce the most earth-friendly clothing they can, like us.
Natural dyes, on their own, don’t hold their color. As an example, if we used blueberry by-product to achieve a deep purple color, after a couple of washes, the garment’s color would be less deep, less purple. After several washes, it would be purplish-white. Not what most people are looking for.
There are adhesives that can be applied to the natural dyes to get them to be more colorfast, but those chemicals are so harsh it really negates the whole point.
Learn more: https://www.fairindigo.com/blogs/news/lets-talk-earth-friendly-dyes
While our dyes are not chemical free, we use the gold standard for safe dyes. Standard 100 by Oeko-tex is one of the worlds' best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances. Oeko-tex certified means our products are tested for things like Azo colorants. Formaldehyde, pentachlorophenol, and hundreds more dangerous substances. Every individual is different and we can't guarantee that if you have sensitivities to dye substances, our clothing with work for you. But we have definitely heard from several customers who say it does work for them.
Learn more: https://www.oeko-tex.com/en/our-standards/standard-100-by-oeko-tex
We use polyester thread in all our products. Our thread is a polyester core wrapped with cotton thread outside of it.
One might ask, "why not use cotton thread on your cotton clothing..."
Cotton sewing threads are substantially weaker than polyester threads and tend to break and shrink over time.
This is counter to building garments that endure for a long time, which we believe is actually the most important element of clothing sustainability. The sewing thread on our t-shirts represents less than 2% of the total material of the garment. Even less on pants, skirts, and dresses.
Here is a website that explains reasons for fabric discoloration - they list several types of things that could cause color loss - "Color loss is most often related to some type of strong chemical contact with products such as chlorine bleach, benzoyl peroxide (commonly used in skin care products), suntan lotion, and many household cleaners. Any chemical with high acidity (antiperspirants, soda, juice, hair spray) or alkalinity (toothpaste, perspiration) is likely to cause color loss. Unfortunately, the damage is almost always irreversible."
Learn more: http://www.qualitycleanersinc.com/when-stains-are-actually-discolorations/
We use 3-5% spandex in some of our fabrics, including our most popular and best selling line of t-shirts. Spandex adds comfort and shape retention and many consumers want these benefits in their clothing. We do have a large collection of clothing that contains only cotton for those who wish to avoid spandex.
If you prefer all cotton, here is a link to our 100% cotton collection: https://www.fairindigo.com/collections/100-cotton-women
Amazon allows small businesses like us to be competitive with other companies on the internet and it also brings a new audience to our products. We've made the decision to trust that as an industry leader, Amazon will continue to improve its business practices -- consumers will absolutely demand it. And we'll continue to share feedback with Amazon and push them to improve and appreciate it when our customers do the same for us.